Retro Faction Of Voltrigones

Attack from The Empire

3rd April 3306-Message From VP Hank Sweeney

Over the past few days there have been unprecedented amounts of crime in our systems. But, thanks to two brave RFoV CMDRs; CMDR StopNaggingMe and CMDR Xela13, we have managed to prevent a direct and targeted attack from agents associated with the Empire, on our systems.

I would like to thank you both for all of your hard work. As a reward, I have left a hamper of Hikenk’s finest goods, such as 3302 Vintage Orbachino, Beer & Wine, quality Animal Meats and some fresh Fruit & Vegetables for you both at the Intergalactic Lounge Bar.

Keep up the good work.

Might is not right. Right should be fair.

VP Hank Sweeney.

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