Retro Faction Of Voltrigones

Outbreak of Cave Baldness In Hikenk

Outbreak of Cave Baldness In Hikenk

There has been a deadly Outbreak of Cave Baldness in Hikenk. Cave Baldness is a deadly disease that will cause your hair to fall out and never grow back.

This deadly disease is caused by Bacteria found in pools of stagnant water, deep in underground caves on Water World Planets. When this Bacteria touches your head, the hair follicles will become infected causing rapid hair loss over several days.

It is not known how this Bacteria has found its way to Giles Orbital, however the bacteria can survive on surfaces for several days. We ask that all residents of Hikenk and Giles Orbital wear their Bacterial Prevention Shower Caps at all times and use the full set of RFOV Mullet Care ® products to protect your hair.

Meanwhile willing pilots can deliver Medical Supplies to Giles Orbital to help fight this outbreak, before all 189.12 million inhabitants go bald.

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