Retro Faction Of Voltrigones

RFov Tours announces further Investment in Pontar

Following an historic Election win in Pontar, in which inhabitants voted overwhelmingly to replace the incumbent regime, RFoV Tourism Director Jonathan Pie today announced plans to merge Industrial and Tourism operations into the systems primary station, Sekowski Dock.

“After months of neglect, the inhabitants of Pontar have made their voices and wishes resoundingly clear.” Director Pie stated, in a press conference that took place at the entrance steps to the RVS Talpore flight deck within Sekowski Dock.

Talpore, named after a famous 19th century paddle steamer sea vessel on Earth, is a shining Saud Kruger Beluga Liner and the jewel in the crown of the RFoV newest venture.

Although questioned multiple times, Director Pie would not comment on speculation that  his new suit had been paid for out of Election funds, or on the ownership of a golden Sidewinder spotted at a deck close to his own sleeping quarters. 


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